A stable company with a sustainable business model

Vasakronan is owned in equal shares by the First, Second, Third and Fourth Swedish national pension funds. The owners are to ensure long-term financing of the pension system and invest their capital in various types of assets. Property investments are made through Vasakronan, among others. Our owners make high demands and Vasakronan’s assignment is to deliver a high and long-term risk-weighted return, though never at the expense of the environment and people. To accomplish our assignment, our ambition to be Sweden’s leading property company and to ultimately achieve our vision to “create future-proof cities for everyone, where people and companies thrive”, we must create long-term sustainable value, for the business as well as for our stakeholders.


Our vision is to create future-proof cities for everyone, where people and companies thrive.


Vasakronan’s assignment is to generate a high, risk-weighted return for our owners the First, Second, Third and Fourth Swedish national pension funds. Though never at the expense of the environment and people. A return that will benefit Sweden’s current and future pensioners.

Business concept

We own properties and develop areas and urban environments into dynamic places that are attractive and sustainable over the long term. Our offering of premises creates preconditions for people and operations to perform at their best.


Vasakronan is Sweden’s leading property company through being:

  • The best urban developer for long-term ownership.
  • The preferred choice for tenants looking for commercial premises.
  • One of the world’s most sustainable property companies.
  • The most attractive employer in the industry.


Our operations are governed by four strategies:

  • Investment strategy
    Sustainable investments in long-term attractive markets and areas.
  • Financing strategy
    Low financial risk through active debt management and long-term green financing.
  • Customer strategy
    We follow our customers in their development and offer solutions to meet their needs.
  • Employee strategy
    Committed employees who develop as we develop as a company.

Our business model

Our business concept is the basis of our business model. We relate to the assignment from our owners, the resources we need and the factors in the operating environment that affect us, as well as the expectations of our stakeholders.

We create value by leasing premises for offices and city retail and by developing and supplementing the property portfolio. We thus meet our customers’ needs and improve the appeal of the areas around our properties. This increases earnings and helps us achieve our vision of future-proof cities for everyone, where people and companies thrive. We work strategically and sustainably over the long term and take responsibility for creating environments where people want to be.

In order to succeed in our value creation, we have efficient processes for property management and transactions, and for developing properties, areas and urban environments as well as the customer offering. Sustainability is a key part of the business model and permeates all of our operations.

Overall targets

To ensure a long-term high return for our owners, Vasakronan is expected to deliver an average total yield of at least 6.5% per year. The total yield is also to be 0.5 percentage points above the industry average, Vasakronan excluded, and measured over a rolling ten-year period.

In addition to financial returns, the assignment from our owners also includes taking responsibility for the environment and for people. Vasakronan is to be a role model and industry leader within sustainability.

A more detailed description of the sustainability targets established by operations in order to ensure we carry out our task, and the outcomes of these targets, are presented in our Sustainability Report.

Annual and Sustainability Report

Questions on our business model or our targets?

Please contact Stina Carlson

Stina Carlson

Head of Group Controlling 076-784 88 43

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